Who are we

Belux vACC is part of VATSIM (short for the Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network), a completely free online platform which allows virtual pilots, wherever they are in the world, to connect their flight simulators into one shared virtual world. VATSIM also simulates air traffic control in this virtual world, creating the ultimate as-real-as-it-gets experience for you, the virtual aviation enthusiast.
More info on VATSIM can be found on the VATSIM website.

We provide these virtual air traffic control services in the Belgium and Luxembourg region.
Everyone can train to become a virtual Air Traffic Controller with us for free, provided they follow our online and live training course.

Interested? Follow the steps below to sign up.

Are you a transfer controller who already holds an ATC rating (S1 or higher)? Please read the VATSIM Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy and skip to step 2.
Are you a visiting controller looking for training? Skip to step 3.

1. Create a VATSIM account

The first step is creating an account with VATSIM. You must skip this step if you already have an account.
During signup you will be asked to select a Region and a Division.

You should select Europe, Middle East and Africa as your Region and select Europe (except UK) as your Division.

2. Assign your vACC to Belux

It is now time to head over to VATEUD Core and request your Subdivision (also referred to as vACC) to be set to Belux. You must skip this step if you are looking at becoming a visiting controller.
As this request will be processed manually, it might take some time for it to be approved. Do not attempt to continue with the next steps prior to your request being approved.

Do you want to check if it has? Click here, log in with your VATSIM credentials and look at the bottom of the page at the box labeled “Region – Division – Subdivision”. There you can see what Region, Division, and Subdivision you are currently assigned to.

3. Send a training request

The next step is a training request. Make sure to log in first (top right) with your VATSIM account. Fill in the requested info. You will be able to choose between local controller and visiting controller.

Local Controller
If you’re new and starting as a virtual Air Traffic Controller with us this is the option to select.

Visiting Controller
Interested in joining us as a visiting controller? Check if you meet our requirements and send us a training request, we will email you a special online course to prepare you!
Visiting controllers are allowed to control the following airports up to approach level: EBOS, EBAW, EBCI and EBLG.
ELLX is only available for Tower and Delivery positions.
If you wish to visit at EBBR, ELLX_APP or our en-route sectors: Send an email to our training department but be aware that waiting times for training at these positions can be over a year long.

Visiting controller requirements

  • Hold a permanent S3 rating or higher for at least 3 months
  • Have controlled at least 50 hours with this rating
  • Pass our written test about local procedures (after completing the online course)

You should receive an email when your training request is processed containing your Canvas login details.

4. Join our Discord server and our forum

We use our Discord server for most communication and coordination. Practical training will also be held via our Discord server.

A login to our forum can be requested via the following link, once your registration request has been approved you will receive an email with a forum password. You will now be able to log in on the forum with your VATSIM CID and the password sent to you.

Training process

Now it’s time to start the training process. This is done via theoretical modules on our online learning platform and live training sessions with a mentor.
Take your time to go through these online lessons at your own pace, combined with observing on the network. To become a good virtual ATCO you will have to go through a lot of new theory, we’ve tried to provide this in an interactive and clear way.
If something is not clear or not explained don’t hesitate to post your questions in our Discord server, our members are always happy to answer!

Online theory modules (To be phased out soon)

We use Canvas for our online based lessons, these can be accessed via the following link.
You can always come back and check if you missed something or want to revise something.
As stated before, go through this material at your own pace and don’t rush it. It’s important to have a good understanding of the material provided before having practical sessions with a mentor.

You don’t need any previous knowledge when starting these courses, everything will be explained from A to Z.

Observing period

In conjunction with the online training modules we also strongly recommend you to go online on the network as an observer and listen to our controllers. This will help you get used to the EuroScope software, phraseology and procedures.
More information about the observing period can be found in our online training modules.

S1 rating theoretical tests and practical training

Once you have completed the required courses and the recommended observing period, you are eligible to take the S1 theoretical tests. However, in order to manage the influx of trainees into our training system, only a fixed number of trainees will be allowed each month to take these tests. After these tests have been passed, you will be entitled to control our regional ground and delivery stations. Once you have gained sufficient experience, you will be entitled to receive further practical training by one our vACC mentors.

Guidelines for practical training

After completing your online theory modules you will be trained by a mentor. These people are all volunteers and will teach you during their free time. We therefore ask you to keep the following in mind:

  • Show up to a session prepared, for a first session this means having properly studied the theory. Write down any questions you still have.
  • Show up on time: If something comes up inform your mentor in due time! Not showing up or showing up late is considered very rude and may result in your training being suspended.
  • Practical training takes time: We have a high standard for our virtual air traffic controllers and as such we spend a lot of time perfecting your skills. Be prepared to spend some hours on this.
  • Time needed until you’re allowed to go online on the network: This depends entirely on you, if you’ve mastered the theory and phraseology before the first session you can be allowed online after around 4 sessions with a mentor (around 1 hour per session). Keep in mind that this can be longer.

Current waiting time for practical ground training

We have a waiting list for practical training, this is currently around 9 to 12 months.